Spotting Taiwan's Rare Blue Magpie: A Bucket-List Opportunity!

The Blue Magpie, Taiwan's national bird, is a rare and stunningly attractive species that any bird enthusiast should try to find. The Blue Magpie, with its unusual blue and white plumage, is a singular sight that is difficult to forget. This bird is indigenous to Taiwan, where it can be found primarily in the woods of the eastern and central mountain ranges of the island. 

In this article, we'll look at the Blue Magpie's physical characteristics and behavioural characteristics, offer information on where to find it in Taiwan, and discuss techniques for improving your chances of seeing this elusive and unusual bird.

Spotting Taiwan's Rare Blue Magpie: A Bucket-List Opportunity!
Spotting Taiwan's Rare Blue Magpie: A Bucket-List Opportunity!

Overview of the Taiwan Blue Magpie

One of the most distinctive and vibrant birds in the world is the Taiwan Blue Magpie. It belongs to the family of crows and is also referred to as the Taiwan Magpie or the Formosan Blue Magpie. The bird's bright blue and white feathers, which glisten in the sunlight, are its most distinctive characteristics. A bird that may grow up to 65 cm in length, the Blue Magpie has a long tail that it uses for balance while flying. The bird can go through the dense forests of Taiwan's mountains because to its short and broad wings.

A succession of high-pitched, unique notes that are frequently heard in Taiwanese forests can be characterized as the Blue Magpie's call. The bird's strong, curved beak can effectively grab insects, crabs, tiny reptiles, and even small mammals because of its strength and shape. The Blue Magpie can also see prey from a vast distance thanks to its highly developed eyes.

The Taiwan Blue Magpie's behavior

The sociable and intelligent Taiwan Blue Magpie lives in flocks of up to 20 birds. These birds are active throughout the day, and they spend the majority of their time searching for food in Taiwan's mountainous dense woods. The Blue Magpie is a loud and lively bird that frequently makes "keh-keh-keh" or "meow-meow-meow" sounds in its cries. The bird can move fast among the woods and fly great distances because to its agile and acrobatic movements.

Inquisitive and intelligent, the Blue Magpie frequently flies up to hikers and birdwatchers in quest of food. The bird, however, can be elusive and challenging to identify in the wild and is not always easy to approach. The Blue Magpie lives in a variety of heights between 600 and 3000 meters above sea level in the forests of Taiwan's mountains.

Where in Taiwan Can You Find the Taiwan Blue Magpie?

The eastern and central mountain ranges of Taiwan are home to the Taiwan Blue Magpie's primary habitat: forests. Birdwatchers can attempt to locate the Blue Magpie in a number of locations, including Taroko National Park, Yushan National Park, and Aowanda National Forest Recreation Area. These areas are readily accessible and are known to contain large populations of Blue Magpies.

The Blue Magpie is frequently seen in Taroko National Park along the Shakadang Trail and the Baiyang Route. Another well-known place to observe Blue Magpies is the Yushan National Park, where the bird is frequently found at the park's higher elevations. The Blue Magpie population at Aowanda National Forest Recreation Area is also well-known, and it's simple to get there by automobile or public transportation.

Tips for Spotting the Taiwan Blue Magpie

It takes some luck, perseverance, and close observation to locate the Taiwan Blue Magpie. The following advice can help you be more likely to see this elusive bird:

  • Go birdwatching at the proper time of year: The breeding season, which runs from February to June, is when you'll have the highest chance of seeing the Blue Magpie. The Blue Magpie is more loud and active during this season, making it simpler to spot.

  • Find the Blue Magpie's natural habitat: The mountains of Taiwan are home to lush woods where the Blue Magpie can be found. Find regions with big trees, lots of greenery, and a variety of insects and small animals for the Blue Magpie to eat when you're out birdwatching.

  • Although the Blue Magpie is a sizable bird, it can be challenging to locate in the dense forests of Taiwan's mountains without the use of binoculars or a spotting scope. Finding the bird and observing its behavior will be simpler with the use of binoculars or a spotting scope.

  • Take your time and keep a low profile when observing: The Blue Magpie is a timid bird that could be startled away by loud noises or quick movements. Take your time and observe calmly from a distance when you are out birdwatching.

  • Learn the calls of the Blue Magpie: The unique sounds of the Blue Magpie are audible at a distance. You can find the bird more quickly if you become familiar with its cries.

Finding the Taiwan Blue Magpie: My Experience

Finding the Taiwan Blue Magpie in the wild is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The Blue Magpie is an interesting bird to witness due to its distinctive blue and white coloring, rapid movements, and inquisitive demeanor. You will be in awe of and grateful for this uncommon and stunning bird when you see a Blue Magpie in the wild.

You can observe the Blue Magpie in its natural environment and notice how well aware it is of its surroundings and its surroundings. The Blue Magpie is a gregarious and clever bird that is continuously searching for its next meal and on the watch for potential predators. You'll develop a greater understanding of the delicate balance of life in Taiwan's mountainous woods as you watch the Blue Magpie.


Any bird enthusiast's chance to see the Taiwan Blue Magpie is something to look forward to. The Blue Magpie is a rare and stunning bird that is well worth looking for due to its striking blue and white plumage, distinctive behavior, and natural home in Taiwan's mountain forests. You'll boost your chances of spotting this elusive bird and enjoy a once-in-a-lifetime experience by using the advice in this piece, being patient, and keeping an eye out for it. So why not cross something off your bucket list right now—finding the Taiwan Blue Magpie?

Spotting Taiwan's Rare Blue Magpie: A Bucket-List Opportunity!

Frequently Asked Questions About Spotting Taiwan's Rare Blue Magpie

What is a Taiwan Blue Magpie?

The Taiwan Blue Magpie is a bird species that is native to Taiwan. It is known for its striking blue and white plumage and can be found in the dense forests of Taiwan's mountains.

Where can I spot a Taiwan Blue Magpie?

The Taiwan Blue Magpie can be found in the dense forests of Taiwan's mountains. Some popular spots for birdwatching and spotting the Blue Magpie include Alishan National Forest Recreation Area, Fushan Botanical Garden, and Wuling Farm.

What time of year is best for spotting a Taiwan Blue Magpie?

The best time to spot a Taiwan Blue Magpie is during the breeding season, which is from February to June. During this time, the Blue Magpie is more active and vocal, making it easier to locate.

How can I increase my chances of spotting a Taiwan Blue Magpie?

To increase your chances of spotting a Taiwan Blue Magpie, it is recommended to go birdwatching during the breeding season, look for the bird's natural habitat, use binoculars or a spotting scope, be patient and observe quietly, and learn the bird's calls to locate it more easily.

Why is spotting a Taiwan Blue Magpie a bucket-list opportunity?

Spotting a Taiwan Blue Magpie is a bucket-list opportunity because it is a rare and beautiful bird that is only found in Taiwan. Its striking blue and white plumage, unique behavior, and natural habitat in Taiwan's mountain forests make it a fascinating bird to observe and appreciate.

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